Loyalty program on the BlogFun platform

Get 10% of our income, from each transaction of those you invited

Share links and earn even more money

Grow your blog on our platform and get the opportunity to increase your reward. We suggest trying an additional source of income - within the framework of one platform, it is quite possible to monetize not only your own content through paid subscriptions.
BlogFun allows you to both find like-minded people who are happy to support you, and get a good bonus for “advertising” the platform for bloggers.
If you do not know how to receive a reward, then look at this page

Learn more

How does the BlogFun affiliate program work?
The more registrations, the higher your earnings

A profitable affiliate program is available on BlogFun for those who have already joined our platform and are developing on it. The conditions are as simple and clear as possible.

You will receive 10% of our income from each transaction of your referrals

Nothing complicated
After registering in your personal account, read the terms of the affiliate program.
A lot of possibilities
You need to share a referral link - then you will receive a reward of 10% of our income, for each participant who clicks on it. And it doesn't matter if it's a tip, a subscription or a live broadcast - the affiliate program provides a really wide range of opportunities.
Real Benefit
The more people use the link, the higher the reward - 10% of our income, from each participant. But this is not all - for example, if a referral who has registered on our platform earns, say, 600,000 rubles, then your 10% of our income is 6,000 rubles, which, you see, is a lot. An affiliate program is an excellent source of passive income, and the author does not need any complicated actions.

Participate in our loyalty program and not only help your friends find like-minded people, but also get a good reward for it

Share a referral link - invite authors to our platform, and in return earn extra money.